Authors born before 1500
Ancient times| before 1500| 1500-1600| 1600-1700| 1700-1800| 1800-1850| 1850-1900| 1900-1950| after 1950
Author (number of quotes) | Description |
A | |
Abelard, Pierre (1) | French philosopher, theologian, logician |
Alberti, Leon Battista (1) | Italian architect, linguist, author and philosopher |
Aurelius, Marcus (5) | Roman Emperor |
B | |
Bacon, Roger (2) | English philosopher |
E | |
Erasmus (1) | Dutch Christian humanist |
Erasmus, Desiderius (1) | Dutch humanist, teacher, theologian |
G | |
Gabriol, Salamon Ibn (1) | pen name of Salamon ben Jehuda ibn Gabriol, Spanish poet and philosopher |
L | |
Luther, Martin (9) | German clegyman |
M | |
Machiavelli, Niccolo (1) | Italian author and politician |
Meister, Eckhart (1) | German theologian, philosopher |
N | |
Nanak, Guru Dev (1) | founder of the religion of Sikhism |
V | |
Vinci, Leonardo da (5) | Italian painter, scientist, sculptor, architect, composer, poet and author |