Hungarian authors
American| Australian| Austrian| Canadian| Chinese| Czech| Danish| Dutch| English| French| German| Greek| Hungarian| Indian| Irish| Italian| Japanese| Mexican| Norwegian| Polish| Russian| Romanian| Scottish| Spanish| Swiss| Swedish
Author (number of quotes) | Description |
A | |
Ady, Endre (2) | Hungarian poet and publicist |
Arany, János (3) | Hungarian poet |
B | |
Babits, Mihály (1) | Hungarian poet, author and translator |
Balassi, Bálint (2) | Hungarian poet |
Bartók, Béla (3) | Hungarian composer and pianist |
Bott, Raoul (1) | Hungarian mathematician |
C | |
Capa, Robert (2) | Hungarian war photographer and photojournalist |
Csokonai, Vitéz Mihály (4) | Hungarian poet |
G | |
Gerbner, George (1) | Hungarian-born American professor of communication and the founder of cultivation theory |
H | |
Halmos, Paul (2) | Hungarian-born American mathematician |
J | |
Jókai, Mór (4) | Hungarian author |
József, Attila (10) | Hungarian poet |
K | |
Kodály, Zoltán (4) | Hungarian composer |
Koestler, Arthur (4) | Hungarian author and journalist |
Kossuth, Lajos (5) | Hungarian statesman |
Kosztolányi, Dezső (3) | Hungarian author, poet, translator, journalist |
Kölcsey, Ferenc (1) | Hungarian poet |
L | |
Lakatos, Imre (1) | Hungarian philosopher of mathematics and science |
Liszt, Ferenc (5) | Hungarian composer and pianist |
Lugosi, Béla (3) | Hungarian-American actor |
M | |
Madách, Imre (8) | Hungarian author |
Márai, Sándor (10) | Hungarian author |
N | |
Neumann, John von (3) | Hungarian-American mathematician |
Örkény, István (2) | Hungarian author, playwright |
P | |
Petőfi, Sándor (11) | Hungarian poet, revolutionist |
R | |
Radnóti, Miklós (5) | Hungarian poet |
Rényi, Alfréd (1) | Hungarian mathematician |
S | |
Szabó, Magda (4) | Hungarian author, translator |
Szasz, Thomas Stephen (1) | Hungarian-born American psychiatrist |
Szent-Györgyi, Albert (2) | Hungarian biochemist |
Szilárd, Leó (1) | Hungarian physicist |
V | |
Vörösmarty, Mihály (4) | Hungarian poet, author |