Writers, poets: writer| poet| cartoonist| translator
Artists: composer| singer| director| painter| sculptor| architect| photographer
Scientists: philosopher| physicist| biologist| chemist| doctor| psychologist| historian| mathematician| linguist
Public figures: actor| politician| comedian
Artists: composer| singer| director| painter| sculptor| architect| photographer
Scientists: philosopher| physicist| biologist| chemist| doctor| psychologist| historian| mathematician| linguist
Public figures: actor| politician| comedian
Author (number of quotes) | Description |
A | |
Abbey, Edward (3) | American author |
Adams, Douglas (26) | English author |
Adams, Henry Brooks (7) | American author, journalist, historian |
Adams, Scott (15) | American comic strip writer |
Addison, Joseph (6) | English author |
Ahern, Cecelia (1) | Irish-born author |
Alberti, Leon Battista (1) | Italian architect, linguist, author and philosopher |
Albom, Mitch (16) | American author, journalist and screenwriter |
Alcott, Louisa May (6) | American author |
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (1) | American author and poet |
Allen, Woody (27) | American author, actor, director and producer |
Allende, Isabel (2) | Chilean American writer |
Andersen, Hans Christian (1) | Danish author |
Anderson, C. J. (2) | American author |
Anderson, Walter (1) | American author, painter |
Angelou, Maya (13) | American author and poet |
Anthony, Piers (1) | English-American author |
Apollinaire, Guillaume (1) | French author, poet, criticist |
Arden, Paul (21) | American creative director and author |
Argov, Sherry (2) | American author |
Armstrong, Kelley (1) | Canadian writer |
Asimov, Isaac (37) | Russian-born American author and biochemist |
Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia (1) | American author |
Auden, Wystan Hugh (1) | English author |
Auerbach, Berthold (1) | German-Jewish poet, author |
Austen, Jane (15) | English author |
Auster, Paul (2) | American author |
Azalea, Iggy (1) | stage name of Amethyst Amelia Kelly, Australian rapper, songwriter and model |
B | |
Babcock, Maltbie Davenport (1) | American clergyman and writer |
Babits, Mihály (1) | Hungarian poet, author and translator |
Bach, Richard (19) | American author |
Bagehot, Walter (2) | English businessman, author and journalist |
Bagnold, Enid (1) | British author |
Baker, Russell (1) | American writer |
Baldwin, Faith (1) | American author |
Balzac, Honoré de (2) | French author |
Bangs, Richard (1) | American author and television personality |
Barker, Dan (2) | American activist, author and musician |
Barreau, Nicolas (2) | French author |
Barrie, J. M. (2) | Scottish author and dramatist |
Barry, Dave (11) | American author |
Bates, Daisy (1) | American civil rights activist, publisher and writer |
Beagle, Peter S. (1) | American author |
Beatty, Paul (1) | American author |
Beauvoir, Simone de (2) | French author and philosopher |
Belfort, Jordan (1) | American author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker |
Bell, Rob (1) | American author and pastor |
Bennett, Alan (2) | British playwright, screenwriter, actor and author |
Bennett, Bo (2) | pen name of Robert Bennett, American businessman and author |
Benson, Edward Frederic (1) | English novelist, biographer and short story writer |
Berkus, Rusty (1) | American author |
Beston, Henry (1) | American author and scientist |
Betjeman, John (1) | English author and poet |
Black, Holly (2) | American writer and editor |
Bloomfield, Harold (1) | American psychiatrist and author |
Bon Jovi, Jon (2) | American musician, singer, songwriter, and actor |
Bono (2) | Irish singer-songwriter, musician, and businessman |
Boom, Corrie ten (1) | Dutch Christian author |
Boone, Pat (1) | pen name of Charles Eugene Boone, American singer, actor and author |
Boorstin, Daniel J. (2) | American historian, lawyer and author |
Borland, Hal (3) | American author |
Bovee, Christian Nestell (3) | American author |
Bowen, Elizabeth (1) | English-Irish-born author |
Börne, Ludwig (1) | German author |
Bracken, Peg (1) | American author |
Bradbury, Ray (4) | American fantasy, horror and science fiction author |
Brashares, Ann (1) | American author |
Bray, Libba (5) | American author |
Breathnach, Sarah Ban (2) | American author |
Brogan, Denis William (1) | English author and historian |
Bronson, Po (1) | American author and journalist |
Bronte, Charlotte (6) | English author |
Brooks, Michael (1) | English author |
Brown, Dan (5) | American author |
Brown, Derren (1) | English magician and author |
Brown, H. Jackson (10) | American author |
Brown, Les (3) | American author |
Brown, Pam (1) | Australian author |
Brown, Rita Mae (3) | American writer |
Browne, Thomas (2) | English author |
Bryson, Bill (1) | American author |
Bujold, Lois McMaster (1) | American author |
Bukowski, Charles (17) | American author |
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (2) | English author, poet, politician |
Bunyan, John (1) | English-born author and clergyman |
Burgess, Anthony (2) | English author, poet, composer, and translator |
Burns, George (5) | Amerikai author, comedian |
Butcher, Jim (2) | American author |
Butler, Samuel (7) | English author |
C | |
Cabell, James Branch (1) | American author |
Cabello, Camila (2) | Cuban-American singer and songwriter |
Cabot, Meg (8) | American author |
Cain, David (2) | American author |
Calvino, Italo (1) | Italian author |
Campbell, Bebe Moore (1) | American author |
Campbell, Joseph (6) | American author and scientist |
Camus, Albert (18) | French author, philosopher |
Canfield, Jack (3) | American author and motivational speaker |
Card, Orson Scott (9) | American author |
Carlin, George (7) | Comedian, actor, author |
Carlyle, Thomas (6) | Scottish-born author and historian |
Carnegie, Dale (6) | American author |
Carroll, Lewis (6) | pen name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, English author and poet |
Carter-Scott, Cherie (3) | American author |
Cass, Kiera (2) | American author |
Cather, Willa (3) | American author |
Chamfort, Nicolas (6) | French author |
Chapin, Edwin Hubbell (2) | American priest, author |
Chbosky, Stephen (3) | American author, screenwriter and director |
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (2) | English author |
Christie, Agatha (18) | English author |
Christina, Greta (17) | American author and activist |
Churchill, Winston (20) | English politician, author |
Clancy, Tom (1) | American author |
Clare, Cassandra (18) | pen name of Judith Rumelt, American-born author |
Clarke, Arthur Charles (7) | English author |
Clarke, James Freeman (1) | American theologian and author |
Cleaver, Eldridge (1) | American writer and political activist |
Cleese, John Marwood (1) | English comedian, author and producer |
Clegg, Brian (1) | English author |
Clooney, George (1) | American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter |
Cocteau, Jean (4) | French poet, author, painter, actor, composer and director |
Colbert, Stephen (1) | American comedian and author |
Colby, Frank Moore (1) | American author, historian |
Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle (1) | French author |
Colfer, Eoin (1) | Irish author |
Collins, Suzanne (11) | American author |
Colton, Charles Caleb (6) | English clergyman, author |
Conklin, Robert (2) | American author |
Connolly, Cyril Vernon (1) | English literary critic and writer |
Conrad, Joseph (2) | Polish-born English author |
Corcoran, Barbara (1) | American businesswoman, investor, speaker, author, and TV personality |
Cosgrove, Stephen (1) | American author |
Cousins, Norman (2) | American political journalist, author and professor |
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves (1) | French naval officer, filmmaker, scientist and author |
Covey, Stephen R. (4) | American author |
Crescenzo, Luciano De (1) | Italian author, actor and director |
Crowley, Aleister (2) | English-born occultist, author |
Cummings, Edward Estlin (2) | American author, poet, painter |
Curtis, Jamie Lee (1) | American actress and author |
Cussler, Clive (1) | American author |
D | |
Dahl, Roald (1) | Norwegian-born English author |
Dahlberg, Edward (4) | American author |
Dalberg-Acton, John (2) | English historian, politician, and writer |
Davidson, Craig (1) | Canadian author of short stories and novels |
Davis, Wade (2) | Colombian-Canadian anthropologist, ethnobotanist, and author |
Dawkins, Richard (25) | British evolutionary biologist and author |
Deffand, Madame Marie du (2) | French author |
Dessen, Sarah (11) | American author |
Devlin, Keith (4) | British writer, mathematician |
Diamond, Jared (3) | American scientist and author |
Dickens, Charles (15) | English author |
Diesel, Vin (1) | American actor, producer and screenwriter |
Dikkers, Scott (2) | American author and businessman |
Dillard, Annie (1) | American author |
Disney, Walt (2) | American filmdirector and screenwriter |
Disraeli, Benjamin (10) | English author and politician |
Doren, Mark Van (1) | American writer, poet |
Dosztojevszkij, Fjodor Mihajlovics (3) | Russian author |
Douglas, Norman (1) | English author |
Downs, Hugh (1) | American author, producer and TV personality |
Doyle, Arthur Conan (18) | Scottish-born author |
Drucker, Peter Ferdinand (1) | author |
Dryden, John (4) | English author, poet |
Duane, Diane (1) | American science fiction and fantasy author |
Dumas, Alexandre (10) | French author |
Dunne, Finley Peter (1) | American author and comedian |
Durant, Will (1) | American author, historian, philosopher |
Durrell, Gerald (4) | English zoologist and author |
Dyer, Wayne (2) | American author |
Dyer, Wayne W. (1) | American author |
E | |
Eastman, Max (2) | American author, activist |
Ebert, Roger (2) | American film critic, historian, journalist, screenwriter, and author |
Eco, Umberto (7) | Italian author |
Eddings, David (5) | American fantasy writer |
Eggers, Dave (1) | American author |
Eliot, George (7) | English author |
Elkeles, Simone (3) | American author |
Elliott, Clark (1) | American researcher, teacher and author |
Elliott, Stephen (1) | American author |
Ellis, Henry Havelock (3) | English psychologist and author |
Ellison, Harlan (1) | American writer |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (42) | American author, poet |
Ephron, Nora (3) | American director, producer, author |
Epps, Omar (2) | American actor, rapper, songwriter and record producer |
Epstein, Robert (1) | American psychologist, author and journalist |
Ertz, Susan (1) | English author |
Evanovich, Janet (1) | American author |
Evans, Richard Paul (1) | American author |
F | |
Fadiman, Clifton (1) | American author, radio and television personality |
Feather, William (1) | American author |
Fischer, Ernst (1) | Bohemian-born Austrian journalist, writer and politician |
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (2) | American author |
Fitzpatrick, Becca (2) | American author |
Flagg, Fannie (1) | stage name of Patricia Neal, American author and actress |
Fontaine, Jean de La (1) | French author and poet |
Fowles, John (1) | English author |
France, Anatole (6) | French author, poet |
Franklin, Benjamin (27) | American author, politician, philosopher, scientist |
Friedman, Thomas L. (1) | American journalist and author |
Fritz, Robert (1) | American author, composer and movie maker |
Frost, David (2) | English television host, media personality, journalist, comedian, and writer |
Fry, Stephen (2) | English comedian, author and actor |
Fuller, Richard Buckminster (2) | American architect, poet, author, inventor |
G | |
Gaiman, Neil (39) | English author and poet |
Gardner, John William (1) | American politician and author |
Gibb, Jack (1) | American psychologist and author |
Gibran, Khalil (1) | Lebanese-American artist, poet, and writer |
Gide, André (2) | French author |
Giffin, Emily (4) | American author |
Gilbert, Elizabeth (19) | American author |
Gitomer, Jeffrey (1) | American author and motivational speaker |
Gladwell, Malcolm (4) | English-born Canadian journalist, author, and speaker |
Godwin, Gail (1) | American author |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (15) | German author and poet |
Golden, Arthur (3) | American author |
Golding, William (3) | English author and poet |
Goldman, William (3) | American author |
Goodkind, Terry (2) | American author |
Goulding, Ellie (1) | English singer and songwriter |
Gray, Claudia (9) | pen name of Amy Vincent, American author |
Green, John (12) | American author |
Green, Ruth Hurmence (1) | American author |
Greene, Graham (1) | English author |
Greenwald, Glenn (3) | American lawyer, journalist and author |
Gribbin, John (2) | English physicist and author |
Groom, Winston (2) | American novelist and non-fiction writer |
Gruen, Sara (1) | Canadian-born American author |
Guetta, David (1) | French DJ, producer and songwriter |
H | |
Halsey, Margaret (1) | American author |
Hannah, Kristin (2) | American author |
Hansberry, Lorraine (1) | American author |
Hanson, Joe (1) | American writer and comedian |
Harris, Annaka (3) | american author |
Harris, Calvin (1) | Scottish DJ, record producer, singer, and songwriter |
Harris, Charlaine (23) | American author |
Harris, Joanne (8) | English author |
Harris, Sam (36) | American author, philosopher |
Harrison, George (1) | English musician, singer and songwriter, the lead guitarist of the Beatles |
Hart, Hannah (1) | American comedian, actress and author |
Harte, Bret (1) | American author and poet |
Hawkins, Karen (4) | American author |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (3) | American author |
Hay, Louise L. (2) | American author |
Heffernan, Margaret (1) | American businesswoman and writer |
Heine, Heinrich (2) | German poet, author, journalist |
Heinlein, Robert Anson (5) | American science fiction writer |
Hemingway, Ernest (10) | American author, journalist |
Henry, O. (1) | pen name of the American writer William Sydney Porter |
Herbert, Frank (2) | American sci-fi author |
Herold, Don (1) | American comedian, author, illustrator, and cartoonist |
Hill, Napoleon (1) | American author |
Hillis, Danny (1) | American scientist, engineer, entrepreneur, and author |
Hitchcock, Alfred (1) | English director, producer, screenwriter |
Hitchens, Christopher (5) | British American author and journalist |
Hocking, Amanda (1) | American writer |
Hodgell, P. C. (1) | American fantasy writer, artist, professor |
Hoffman, Alice (1) | American author |
Holland, Josiah Gilbert (1) | American author and poet |
Holliwell, Raymond (1) | American author |
Hornby, Nick (4) | English author |
Horowitz, Anthony (1) | English author |
Hosseini, Khaled (8) | Afghan-born American author and doctor |
Howe, Edgar Watson (1) | American author |
Hubbard, Elbert (18) | American author and philosopher |
Hugo, Victor (17) | French poet, writer |
Hull, Raymond (1) | Canadian screenwriter |
I | |
Ibsen, Henrik (1) | Norwegian author |
Iles, George (1) | American author |
Irving, Washington (2) | American author and historian |
Ivins, Molly (1) | pen name of Mary Tyler Ivins, American newspaper columnist, author, political commentator, and humorist |
J | |
J. Gaines, Ernest (1) | African-American author |
James, E. L. (1) | pen name of Erika Mitchell, English author |
James, Henry (2) | American-born English author |
Jay, Francine (5) | American writer, minimalist |
Jenkins, A. M. (5) | American author |
Jerome, Jerome K. (1) | English writer and humorist |
Jett, Joan (1) | American rock singer, songwriter, composer and actress |
Johnson, Barbara (2) | English-American author |
Johnson, Samuel (10) | English author and poet |
Jókai, Mór (4) | Hungarian author |
Jones, Franklin Pierce (2) | American author, comedian |
Jones, Laurie Beth (1) | American author and motivational trainer |
Jones, Lloyd (1) | New Zealand author |
Jones, Tommy Lee (1) | American actor, director, producer and screenwriter |
Jong, Erica (3) | American author and teacher |
Joyce, James (2) | Irish-born poet, author, criticist |
K | |
Kafka, Franz (2) | German author |
Kanin, Garson (1) | American author and director |
Kate, Lauren (1) | American author |
Kaufman, Josh (1) | american business expert, author |
Kaulitz, Bill (1) | German singer, songwriter, fashion designer and model |
Kaur, Rupi (4) | Indian-born Canadian poet, author, and illustrator |
Keen, Sam (1) | American author, professor and philosopher |
Keller, Helen (10) | American deafblind author, political activist, and lecturer |
Kenison, Katrina (4) | American writer |
Kenyon, Sherrilyn (1) | American writer |
Kidd, Sue Monk (3) | American writer |
King, Stephen (108) | American author |
Kingsley, Charles (1) | English author and historian |
Kingsolver, Barbara (2) | American author |
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard (3) | English author and poet |
Klein, Stephanie (1) | American blogger and author |
Kleypas, Lisa (3) | American author |
Knox, Jen (1) | American writer |
Koestler, Arthur (4) | Hungarian author and journalist |
Kosztolányi, Dezső (3) | Hungarian author, poet, translator, journalist |
Kuban, Karla (1) | American author |
Kundera, Milan (3) | Czech-French author, playwright and poet |
Kurzweil, Ray (6) | American inventor and author |
Kusturica, Emir (2) | Serbian director, screenwriter, actor, producer, and musician |
L | |
Lady Gaga (3) | stage name of Stefani Germanotta, American singer and songwriter |
Lamartine, Alphonse de (2) | French author and poet |
Lamb, Wally (1) | American author |
Lambert, Adam (2) | American singer, songwriter, and actor |
Larsson, Stieg (1) | Swedish author |
Lawrence, Cooper (1) | American radio veteran and author |
Lawrence, D. H. (8) | full name David Herbert Richards Lawrence, English author, poet, literary critic and painter |
Leavitt, Robert Keith (1) | American author |
Lebowitz, Fran (2) | American author |
Lederer, Richard (1) | American author, speaker, and teacher |
Lee, Harper (7) | American author |
Lee, Stan (1) | pen name of Stanley Martin Lieber, American comic book writer |
Lennon, John (10) | English musician and singer-songwriter, one of the founding members of The Beatles |
Letterman, Elmer G. (2) | American businessman and author |
Levant, Oscar (4) | American musician, actor, author |
Levine, Stephen (1) | American poet, author |
Lewis, Sinclair (1) | American author |
Lindner, Robert M. (1) | American author and psychologist |
Lindqvist, John Ajvide (6) | Swedish author |
Livingstone, Ian (1) | English author and entrepreneur |
London, Jack (3) | American author |
Long, Haniel Clark (1) | American poet and author |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (6) | American author and poet |
Lowry, Lois (1) | American author |
Lucado, Max (2) | American author and preacher |
M | |
M. Barrie, James (1) | Scottish author and dramatist |
Macaulay, Thomas Babington (2) | English politician and author |
MacDonald, George (1) | Scottish author and poet |
Machiavelli, Niccolo (1) | Italian author and politician |
MacKinnon, Rebecca (1) | American author |
Madách, Imre (8) | Hungarian author |
Maguire, Gregory (2) | American author |
Mailer, Norman (2) | American author |
Maltz, Maxwell (1) | American cosmetic surgeon and author |
Mann, Thomas (1) | German author |
Mannes, Marya (1) | pen name of Maria von Heimburg Mannes, American author and criticist |
Maraboli, Steve (74) | American motivational speaker and author |
Márai, Sándor (10) | Hungarian author |
Marchetta, Melina (1) | Australian writer and teacher |
Marden, Orison Swett (1) | American author |
Marley, Bob (7) | Jamaican singer, songwriter and musician |
Márquez, Gabriel Garcia (1) | Columbian author, activist |
Marquis, Don (3) | full name Donald Robert Perry Marquis, American comedian and author |
Marr, Melissa (3) | American author |
Mars, Bruno (1) | stage name of Peter Gene Hernandez, American singer, songwriter and producer |
Marshall, Peter (2) | English author |
Martin, George R. R. (5) | American novelist, screenwriter, and television producer |
Martin, Steve (2) | American actor, comedian, author, producer, musician |
Maugham, William Somerset (4) | English author |
Mauriac, Francois (1) | French author |
Maurois, Andre (1) | French author, historian |
McCarthy, Cormac (1) | American author |
McCay, James T. (1) | American author |
McCourt, Malachy (1) | Irish-American actor, author and politician |
McEwan, Ian (1) | English author |
McLaughlin, Mignon (1) | American author and journalist |
Mead, Richelle (5) | American author |
Mencken, Henry Louis (12) | American author, criticist |
Meri, Lennart Georg (1) | Estonian-born author, director, politician |
Meyer, Joyce (1) | pen name of Pauline Joyce Hutchison Meyer, American author and speaker |
Meyer, Stephenie (29) | American author |
Michener, James A. (1) | American author |
Miller, Donald (2) | American author and public speaker |
Miller, Henry (1) | American author and painter |
Milligan, Spike (1) | Irish-born author, poet, comedian, musician |
Mitchell, Margaret (1) | American author |
Mlodinow, Leonard (4) | American physicist, author and screenwriter |
Moning, Karen Marie (1) | American author |
Montagu, Elizabeth (1) | English-born author |
Montgomery, Lucy Maud (3) | Canadian author |
Moore, Christopher (9) | American author |
Moore, George (1) | Irish-born author and poet |
Morgenstern, Christian (1) | German author and poet |
Morley, Christopher (3) | American journalist, author and poet |
Morris, William (1) | English artist, writer |
Morrison, Jim (7) | American singer, author, poet, director |
Mortman, Doris (1) | American author |
Muir, John (1) | Scottish-born American scientist and author |
Murakami, Haruki (14) | Japanese author and translator |
Myss, Caroline (1) | American author |
N | |
Navabi, Armin (12) | Iranian Canadian atheist, secular activist, and author |
Neruda, Pablo (1) | Chilean-born author |
Nhat Hanh, Thich (4) | Vietnamese Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet |
Nicholls, David (3) | English author |
Nightingale, Earl (1) | American author, motivational speaker |
Nin, Anais (1) | French-American author |
Nizer, Louis (1) | English-born American lawyer and author |
Noel, Alyson (34) | American author |
Noll, Peter (8) | Swiss lawyer, professor and author |
O | |
Oldman, Gary (2) | English actor, author, filmdirector, and producer |
Oliver, Lauren (3) | American author |
Oppenheim, James (1) | American poet, author |
Orben, Robert (4) | American author and magician |
Orwell, George (17) | English author, criticist, journalist |
Ottolenghi, Yotam (1) | Israeli-British chef, restaurant owner, and food writer |
Örkény, István (2) | Hungarian author, playwright |
P | |
Pagels, Douglas (1) | American author |
Paine, Thomas (6) | English-American author and politician |
Palahniuk, Chuck (53) | American author |
Paolini, Christopher (13) | American author |
Pariser, Eli (26) | American author, political and internet activist |
Parker, Dorothy (1) | American author, poet |
Parker, Gilbert (1) | Canadian-born English author and politician |
Parsons, Paul (1) | American writer, journalist |
Patrick, Cat (1) | American author |
Patterson, James (6) | American author |
Peale, Norman Vincent (1) | Writer and clergyman |
Pearsall Smith, Logan (1) | American author |
Peiffer, Vera (4) | German author and psychotherapeutist |
Perri, Christina (2) | American singer and songwriter |
Petty, Tom (2) | American singer and songwriter |
Picoult, Jodi (21) | American author |
Piercy, Marge (1) | American poet, author, and activist |
Pike, Albert (1) | American lawyer, author, soldier |
Pine, Albert (1) | American author |
Pinero, Arthur Wing (1) | English actor, author and director |
Pinter, Harold (1) | English screenwriter, director and actor |
Piper, John (1) | American Christian preacher and author |
Plath, Sylvia (3) | American author and poet |
Poe, Edgar Allan (11) | American author, poet |
Pohl, Frederick (1) | full name Frederik George Pohl, Jr., American science fiction writer and editor |
Potts, Rolf (5) | American travel writer |
Pratchett, Terry (42) | English author |
Proust, Marcel (5) | French author, criticist |
Puzo, Mario Gianluigi (1) | American author |
Q | |
Quillen, Robert (1) | American author and comedian |
Quincey, Thomas de (1) | English author |
R | |
Ramsey, Dave (1) | American businessman and author |
Rand, Ayn (8) | Russian-born American author and philosopher |
Raymo, Chet (1) | American writer, educator |
Renard, Jules (3) | French author |
Rice, Anne (9) | American author |
Richards, Johnathan (2) | former Federal prison inmate, author |
Ricotti, Sonia (1) | Canadian author and motivational speaker |
Ridley, Matt (5) | English journalist, author, businessman |
Ritchie, Guy (1) | English screenwriter and movie maker |
Robbins, Anthony (2) | American author |
Robbins, Tom (2) | American author |
Robbins, Tony (1) | American author and motivational speaker |
Roberts, Gregory David (1) | Australian author |
Roberts, Nora (1) | American author |
Rochefoucauld, Francois de La (2) | French author |
Roth, Veronica (2) | American author |
Rouda, Kaira (1) | American writer |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (4) | French philosopher, author and composer |
Rovelli, Carlo (20) | Italian physicist and author |
Rowling, J. K. (9) | English author |
Rubin, Gretchen (3) | American author and lawyer |
Rubin, Harriet (1) | American writer |
Rudner, Rita (4) | American author and comedian |
Runbeck, Margaret Lee (2) | American author |
Rupp, Joyce (1) | American author and psychologist |
Ryan, Carrie (1) | American author |
S | |
Sagan, Carl (46) | American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author |
Sagan, Francoise (1) | French author |
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (11) | French author and pilot |
Salinger, Jerome David (1) | American author |
Sand, George (1) | French author |
Sandburg, Carl (6) | American author and poet |
Santayana, George (10) | American philosopher, author, poet |
Satir, Virginia (1) | American author and therapist |
Sayers, Dorothy L. (1) | English crime writer, poet |
Schlegel, Friedrich von (1) | German philosopher and author |
Schmidt, Dan (2) | author |
Schuller, Robert Harold (3) | American clergyman, author, and TV personality |
Seagal, Steven (1) | American actor, film producer, screenwriter, martial artist, and musician |
Sebold, Alice (1) | American author |
Sedaris, Amy (1) | American actress, author, and comedian |
Segel, Jason (1) | American actor, screenwriter and musician |
Service, Robert (1) | English-Canadian author and poet |
Sexton, Anne (1) | American author and poet |
Shaddix, Jacoby (1) | American musician, singer, songwriter, rapper and actor |
Shames, Laurence (1) | American author and journalist |
Shan, Darren (2) | Irish-born author |
Sheehan, George (1) | American author |
Sheeran, Ed (3) | English singer and songwriter |
Sheffield, Rob (1) | American music journalist and author |
Shelley, Mary (4) | English author |
Shermer, Michael (15) | American science writer |
Shinn, Florence Scovel (1) | American illustrator and author |
Shusterman, Neal (1) | American author |
Sinek, Simon (3) | English author, motivational speaker |
Skinner, B. F. (1) | American psychologist and author |
Smiles, Samuel (1) | Scottish author and reformer |
Smith, Kevin (1) | American screenwriter, director, and actor |
Snicket, Lemony (14) | pen name of Daniel Handler, American author |
Sparks, Nicholas (29) | American author |
Staley, Layne (3) | American musician, singer and author |
Stallone, Sylvester (1) | American actor, filmdirector, and screenwriter |
Stein, Gertrude (2) | American author |
Steinbeck, John (6) | American author |
Steinem, Gloria (1) | American feminist and author |
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1) | Scottish writer and poet |
Stiefvater, Maggie (7) | American author |
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1) | American author |
Suzuma, Tabitha (1) | English author |
Swift, Jonathan (4) | Irish-born author |
Swift, Taylor (3) | American country-pop singer, songwriter, and actress |
Swindoll, Charles Rozell (2) | American clergyman and author |
Syrus, Publilius (4) | Latin writer |
Szabó, Magda (4) | Hungarian author, translator |
T | |
Tan, Amy (2) | American author |
Taylor, Corey (1) | American singer and author |
Teale, Edmund Way (1) | American naturalist, photographer, writer |
Teller, Janne (5) | Danish author |
Thomas, Dylan (1) | Welsh poet and writer |
Thompson, Hunter S. (1) | American journalist and author |
Thoreau, Henry David (49) | American author, philosopher |
Thucydides (1) | Greek historian and author |
Thurber, James (1) | American author |
Tolle, Eckhart (10) | German-born Canadian author and spiritualist |
Tolstoy, Leo (4) | Russian writer |
Tomlin, Lily (3) | American actress, producer, author |
Tracy, Brian (2) | American author |
Tressell, Robert (2) | pen name of Robert Croker, Irish writer |
Trump, Donald (2) | American president, businessman and author |
Turner, Alex (1) | English singer and songwriter |
Twain, Mark (58) | American author |
Tynan, Kenneth (1) | English author |
Tzu, Lao (1) | Ancient Chinese philosopher, author of the Tao Te Ching |
U | |
Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher (1) | America historian and writer |
Unamuno, Miguel de (1) | Spanish author, poet, philosopher |
Ustinov, Peter (3) | English actor, director, author |
V | |
Van Damme, Jean-Claude (1) | Belgian martial artist, actor, producer and screenwriter |
Vaughan, Bill (1) | American author |
Verghese, Abraham (1) | American doctor and author |
Verne, Jules (2) | French author |
Vidal, Gore (1) | American author and politician |
Vinci, Leonardo da (5) | Italian painter, scientist, sculptor, architect, composer, poet and author |
Voltaire (15) | French author, poet, philosopher |
Vonnegut, Kurt (11) | American writer |
Vos Savant, Marilyn (1) | American author |
Vörösmarty, Mihály (4) | Hungarian poet, author |
W | |
Walpole, Horace (1) | pen name of Horatio Walpole, English author, politician |
Walters, J. Donald (1) | Romanian-born yogi and author |
Ward, J. R. (3) | pen name of Jessica Rowley Pell Bird, American author |
Ward, William Arthur (6) | American author |
Warren, Rick (1) | American evangelical Christian minister and author |
Watkins, Susan M. (1) | American author, journalist |
Waugh, Evelyn (2) | English author |
Weedn, Flavia (1) | American painter and author |
Weiler, A. H. (1) | American writer and critic |
West, Rebecca (2) | pen name of Cicely Isabel Fairfield, English author |
Westerfeld, Scott (6) | American author |
Wharton, Edith (2) | American author |
Whately, Richard (2) | English theologian and author |
Wheaton, Wil (1) | American actor, author and blogger |
Wiesel, Elie (3) | Romanian-born American author and activist |
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler (2) | American author, poet |
Wilde, Larry (1) | American comedian and author |
Wilde, Oscar (88) | Irish poet, author, playwright |
Wilder, Laura Ingalls (1) | American author |
Wilder, Thornton Niven (6) | American author |
Willard, Nancy (1) | American author and poet |
Williams, Tennessee (3) | American author |
Williamson, Marianne (2) | American author, spiritual activist |
Wilson, Owen (1) | American actor and screenwriter |
Wilson, Thomas Francis (1) | American actor, author and comedian |
Winehouse, Amy (1) | English singer and songwriter |
Winter, Barbara (1) | American author |
Winter, William (1) | American author |
Winterson, Jeanette (1) | English author |
Wolfe, Tom (1) | American author and journalist |
Woolf, Virginia (6) | English author |
Wright, Stephen (2) | American writer |
Wright, Steven (1) | American comedian, writer |
Wyatt, Woodrow (1) | English politician and author |
Wyse, Lois (1) | American advertising executive, author |
Y | |
Yan, Martin (1) | Chinese-American chef and food writer |
Yeats, William Butler (3) | Irish poet, author |
Young, William Paul (4) | Canadian author |
Z | |
Zelazny, Roger (2) | full name Roger Joseph Zelazny, American writer of fantasy and science fiction short stories and novels |
Ziglar, Zig (4) | American author |
Zuckerman, Phil (1) | American sociologist and author |
Zweig, Stefan (1) | Austrian author, poet, translator |