Skeptical Quotes
One defeats a fanatic precisely by not being a fanatic oneself, but on the contrary by using one`s intelligence.
I think it`s much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong.
Any doctrine that will not bear investigation is not a fit tenant for the mind of an honest man.
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
I can doubt everything, except one thing, and that is the very fact that I doubt.
I should wish to see a world in which education aimed at mental freedom rather than imprisoning the minds of the young in rigid armor of dogma calculated to protect them through life against the shafts of impartial evidence.
The man who does not do his own thinking is a slave, and is a traitor to himself and to his fellow-men.
Authority has every reason to fear the skeptic, for authority can rarely survive in the face of doubt.
If two things don`t fit, but you believe both of them, thinking that somewhere, hidden, there must be a third thing that connects them, that`s credulity.
Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.
When a man finds a conclusion agreeable, he accepts it without argument, but when he finds it disagreeable, he will bring against it all the forces of logic and reason.